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Exclusive CM Designs...Revisions for Grandma's Roses Drawstring Handbag

Below you will find unique creations and patterns I have designed exclusively for my customers. I go into the "hows" and "whys" you won't find them anywhere else.

New and ready to go!

You've heard me talk about this problem several times....discontinued yarn! But that is only half the problem...yarn stretches when weighted down, there was no pockets, the strap was too long, and the bag itself was too bulky :(

What is a designer to do? The answer, keep trying my friends, keep trying. I have tested several different bag styles along with several different materials to make it more durable, but still cute and fashionable and eureka!

We want to see!

First, I started with the name of the bag. I thought Grandma's Roses would be an enduring sentiment to the past, but a bag like this needs a fresh, updated name like, ROSE GARDEN HANDBAG. I then chose a new silky, thread like yarn for the flower petals, a beautiful medium green yarn that accentuates the color of the flowers, and chose to stay with the great linen color for the overall bag. That's not all folks, I have also made the squares smaller (which makes the bag a wonderful medium sized purse), added a canvas lining with pockets, & at the behest of my daughter, gave the bag a leather strap instead of a crocheted one. The canvas lining and the leather strap will help tremendously with the yarn stretching out of shape. One last detail, I adorned the bag with a large wooden button for the closure, so no more pulling on your bag (and stretching further out shape) to fasten it closed. I didn't change everything though, the bottom of the bag is still made with a marled mocha color that hides the dirt and stains purses can attract as we toss them around and set them down in somewhat questionable places.

Rose petal colors:

Yarn for leaf motif:

Bag color:

Bag Straps:

Get your new and improved Rose Garden Handbag here:

As a whole, this bag looks beautiful, is more durable, and has a wide range of uses. It is with great excitement that I share with you the new and improved version!


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